Marketing skills every Marketer need

Marketing skills every Marketer need

Do you want to become an efficient Marketer? Curious to know what takes to become one?
If yes, you are definitely going to benefit through this piece of information.

We live in a fast-paced world. The world is changing at the speed of light.
And so is the world of Marketing. It is evolving at a high speed. So how do we ensure that we are picking
up the pace? Well, the easiest way is to work towards building the foundation right and that is exactly
where, the role of emerging skills comes into play.

Let’s get into the depth of the skills one needs to master to become a successful Marketing professional:
All you require is an understanding of MARKET. You must be wondering, what is new in that? Well,
When I say market – not just the market in which one is operating but:

1. Master Storytelling
2. Analytics
3. Research
4. Knowledge about Customers
5. Enthusiam
6. Time Management

1. Master Storytelling:
As per a study done by LinkedIn – It was found that close to 8% of all Marketers on the platform have
Storytelling listed as skill on their profile.
We all have grown up listening to stories from our grandmother. Even with those sleepy eyes, we could
not stop ourselves from asking our granny – what next, and then? Well, this is the power of storytelling;
it has the ability to bind the audience in an impactful way. This is exactly what a Marketer can do.
A Marketer must have the ability to use data in a way wherein the data is no longer just plain numbers
but actually carved into genuine stories which make sense and contribute to the value proposition of the
brand. This is can be done via online content creation, book marketing, etc. After all, the idea is to make
the content relatable and emotionally compelling.

2. Analytics:
Data Analysis is a critical Marketing skill in the age of Marketing Automation.
It is important to ask the right questions as only right questions can yield right responses i.e. data, which
is objective in nature and could potentially be utilized to derive insights, which would support business
Not just data capturing but also data visualization has an equally important role i.e. the ability to
represent the data in a crisp and comprehendible manner. Tools like Power BI, Tableau can be used to
display data in the form of concise charts, diagrams, etc.

3. Research:
A huge part of marketing is research.
The ability to research, strategize and effectively plan campaigns is a Marketing skill one needs in order
to achieve goals.

4. Knowledge about Customers:
It is imperative to understand what a customer wants and the emotional value that a customer
associates with the product/service. Once these basics are in place, the details wr.t. which platform
needs to be used to market, what content helps increase the outreach can be accordingly thought
through. Some basic questions that a Marketer must ask for better understanding of the customer:
A. What are my target audience’s value?
B. What is the background of my target audience?
C. What problem is my product/service trying to solve?

5. Enthusiasm:
The Marketer must be enthusiast about the product/service he is advocating for. If he/she himself does
not possess the skill to demonstrate enthusiasm about the same, the customer would never be
delighted or display an interest for it.

6. Time Management:
The role of a Marketer is diverse and gets to wear multiple hats but at the same time, demands a lot of
multitasking. To put in simple terms, he/she needs to juggle several balls in the air and none can be
dropped. Hence, Time Management as a skill plays an extremely vital role. The ability to manage hectic
schedules be systematic when it comes keeping a record of tasks and ensuring that tight deadlines are

To build these skills is no rocket science; simple daily habits can lead to enrichment. Self-learning through
reading readily available books on Marketing, joining online knowledge sharing groups and pursuing
certifications could be some of the starting points.

Welingkar Institute of Management Development & Research popularly known as Weschool, offers the Best Executive Education Programmes in Bangalore, India. Enroll Now!

Unlocking Success: The Importance and Benefits of a Business Strategy Program

Introduction about Business Strategy Program

In today’s competitive business world, companies need a well-planned and well-executed strategy to achieve success. A business strategy program is a comprehensive approach that focuses on developing and implementing strategies to achieve the goals of a company. The program can help businesses identify their strengths and weaknesses, analyze their competition, and create a plan to achieve their objectives. In this blog, we will explore the importance of a business strategy program and how it can benefit your organization.

Why is a Business Strategy Program Important?

A business strategy program is important for several reasons. Firstly, it helps businesses identify their strengths and weaknesses. By conducting a thorough analysis of the organization’s operations, a business strategy program can determine what the company is doing well and what areas need improvement. This information is crucial for creating a plan to achieve the company’s objectives.

Secondly, a business strategy program helps companies analyze their competition. By understanding what their competitors are doing, businesses can identify opportunities for growth and develop strategies to stay ahead of the competition.

Finally, a business strategy program helps companies create a plan to achieve their objectives. By setting clear goals and developing a roadmap to achieve those goals, businesses can focus their efforts and resources on the most important tasks.

Benefits of a Business Strategy Program:

  • Increased Profitability: A business strategy program can help companies identify opportunities for growth and create a plan to achieve their financial objectives. By focusing their efforts on the most profitable areas of the business, companies can increase their profitability and achieve long-term success.
  • Improved Operational Efficiency: By analyzing their operations, businesses can identify areas where they can improve efficiency and reduce costs. A business strategy program can help companies develop strategies to streamline their operations and eliminate waste, which can result in significant cost savings.
  • Better Decision Making: A business strategy program can provide companies with the information they need to make informed decisions. By conducting thorough analysis and creating a roadmap to achieve their objectives, businesses can make strategic decisions that are aligned with their goals and objectives.
  • Increased Employee Engagement: A business strategy program can help companies create a shared vision and mission that inspires and motivates employees. By involving employees in the development of the strategy, companies can create a sense of ownership and engagement that can improve employee satisfaction and retention.
  • Competitive Advantage: By understanding their competition and developing strategies to stay ahead, businesses can gain a competitive advantage. A business strategy program can help companies create a plan to differentiate themselves from their competitors and achieve long-term success.


In conclusion, a business strategy program is essential for companies that want to achieve long-term success. By identifying their strengths and weaknesses, analysing their competition, and developing a plan to achieve their objectives, businesses can improve their profitability, efficiency, and decision-making. Additionally, a business strategy program can improve employee engagement and provide a competitive advantage. Therefore, it is crucial for companies to invest in a business strategy program to achieve their goals and stay ahead of the competition.

Design Thinking & Innovation: Revolutionizing Product Development and Strategy-Making Process

Design thinking has become a buzzword in business as it transforms how organizations approach problem-solving and innovation. Companies are beginning to realize the importance of incorporating design thinking and innovation in product development and strategy-making. This approach analyses problems holistically, bringing together user needs, technology, and business considerations to create effective solutions. This article will discuss the concept of design thinking and innovation and how it can revolutionize product development and strategy-making process.

What is Design Thinking?

Design thinking is a problem-solving approach focusing on the user’s needs while balancing business objectives and technical feasibility. It is a creative and iterative process that involves empathizing with the users, defining the problem, ideating potential solutions, prototyping, and testing. The process is highly collaborative, involving cross-functional teams with diverse skill sets and perspectives.

Design thinking is about more than just creating aesthetically pleasing products or solutions. It is about understanding the user’s needs and pain points and developing solutions that address them effectively. Design thinking is rooted in product design, but its principles are applied in other areas such as business strategy, healthcare, education, and social innovation.

The Importance of Design Thinking in Business

Design thinking has become increasingly important in business as organizations seek to create innovative products, services, and experiences that meet customers’ evolving needs and expectations. Design thinking can help companies to achieve the following:

1. User-centered Approach

Design thinking is a user-centred approach to problem-solving, meaning the user’s needs and preferences are at the forefront of the process. This approach ensures that solutions are tailored to the users and their specific needs, which leads to higher satisfaction and better customer experiences.

2. Innovation and Creativity

Design thinking encourages creativity and innovation by promoting a non-linear and iterative approach to problem-solving. It allows for brainstorming and creativity without fear of failure or judgment, which fosters creativity and leads to new ideas and solutions.

3. Cost Savings

Design thinking can help businesses save money by identifying and addressing problems early in development. By prototyping and testing solutions early, companies can avoid costly mistakes and rework later.

4. Competitive Advantage

Design thinking can provide a competitive advantage by helping businesses differentiate themselves. By creating unique and innovative products and experiences, companies can attract and retain customers and gain a competitive edge in the marketplace.

The Design Thinking Process

Design thinking is a five-stage process that involves empathy, defining the problem, ideation, prototyping, and testing. Let’s look at each stage in more detail.

1. Empathy and Understanding the User

The first stage of the design thinking process is to understand the user’s needs and pain points. This involves empathy and putting yourself in the user’s shoes to better understand their experiences and perspectives. This stage is crucial to effectively developing solutions that address the user’s specific needs.

2. Defining the Problem

The second stage defines the problem by synthesizing the insights gained from the empathy stage. This involves framing the issue in an actionable and specific way, which helps guide the ideation process.

3. Ideation and Brainstorming

The third stage is creativity, which involves generating ideas and potential solutions to the defined problem. This stage is about creativity and brainstorming without judgment or fear of failure. It is essential to develop a wide range of opinions and then narrow them down to the most promising ones.

4. Prototyping and Testing

The fourth stage is prototyping and testing. This stage involves creating prototypes of the potential solutions generated in the ideation stage and testing them with users to gain feedback and insights. This stage helps refine the solutions and identify potential problems or issues.

5. Centralizing and Iterating

The final stage is centralizing and iterating, which involves refining the solutions based on the feedback received in the testing stage. This iterative process repeats the previous steps until the solution is refined and ready for implementation.

The Benefits of Design Thinking

Design thinking offers numerous benefits for businesses. Let’s take a closer look at some of these benefits.

1. Increased Creativity and Innovation

Design thinking encourages creativity and innovation by providing a safe space for brainstorming and creativity. This approach helps businesses generate new ideas and solutions they may not have considered.

2. Improved Customer Experience

Design thinking puts the user at the centre of the process, which means that solutions are tailored to their specific needs and preferences. This approach results in a better customer experience and higher customer satisfaction.

3. Cost Savings

Design thinking can help businesses save money by identifying and addressing problems early in development. By prototyping and testing solutions early, companies can avoid costly mistakes and rework later.

4. Competitive Advantage

Design thinking can provide a competitive advantage by helping businesses differentiate themselves. By creating unique and innovative products and experiences, companies can attract and retain customers and gain a competitive edge in the marketplace.


Design thinking and innovation are critical to any business product development and strategy-making process. By adopting a design thinking approach, businesses can create solutions tailored to the user’s needs and preferences, resulting in higher customer satisfaction and better business outcomes. This approach offers numerous benefits, including increased creativity and innovation, improved customer experience, cost savings, and competitive advantage.

Welingkar Institute of Management Development & Research popularly known as Weschool, offers Best Executive Education Programmes in India.

Future of Manufacturing: it is only partly digital


Future of Manufacturing: it is only partly digital


Much has been written about industry 4.0 which is expected to integrate the internet, sensors and various connected technologies into mainstream manufacturing. In practice we do see it, for instance in the branding of a car such as MG Hector in India, which proudly says on the rear panel, “Internet Inside”. General Electric did implement Industry 4.0 in its finest form when it rolled out Predix – which was spoken about and executed as the Industrial Internet. GE was able to remotely diagnose and predict possible problems that could arise in its turbines, jet engines and medical equipment. These machines were deployed at various locations across the globe. For GE, it translated into revenue of about $1 billion ten years back. However, within a span of three to four years, the project lost steam and now this digital division of GE is up for sale, going by business press reports this year. Reasons have to do mainly with the fact that GE’s digital business was operated more as a product and not as a service; it was not open to easy access by developers. The platform was not conducive for enterprise customers to operate as a service. They lost out to the might and muscle of cloud providers such as Amazon, Microsoft and Google.

Consider this scenario: at a Dutch firm, ASML Holdings based out of Veldhoven, under development are some of the largest and most advanced lithography machines such as the EUV lithography systems ( that are capable of making the finest lines on microchips; customers are Samsung, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company and others. The machine is one of its kind and sells for as much as $340 million, more expensive than Boeing’s Dreamliner. What lies inside? A complex set of technologies comprising hydraulics, pneumatics and various cooling systems that could challenge the understanding of some of the best brains in the business. Applications are not merely confined to smartphones and laptops but could also be relevant to advanced defense systems. This machine has caused intense political lobbying that aims to ensure that the technological expertise is not transferred to the Chinese. American and European governments are in the fray, anxiously pushing their agenda through diplomatic channels. Quite a peculiar scenario, considering that one machine and the technological expertise that it portrays could cause superpowers sleepless nights, just to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands.

Gently move your cognitive frame to the academic environment in engineering institutes. Most mechanical engineers are aware of complex theories which have their applications – one example is Coriolis acceleration which has to do with a component of acceleration when sliders move within another component which has a rotary movement. Or elaborate equations in fluid mechanics which are derived by professors on the whiteboards in engineering classrooms. Working with valves, hydraulics and pneumatics are the intended learning outcomes. When we relate such teaching to real-world applications as seen in the case of technologies developed by ASML, there are no doubts that core engineering and manufacturing practice are closely intertwined. Add on layers from electronics and communication technologies and we have clarity on how modern manufacturing can be visualized. It is not driven purely by Henry Ford’s successes in assembly line manufacturing; we can now visualize the layer from information communication technologies that sit atop the recent passenger cars – the heart being the silicon chip which is where contributions from firms such as ASML have played a major role.

It is not just about large organizations alone. Consider a firm such as Rational which is the world leader in cooking technology for industrial kitchens. Gunther Blaschke, the CEO of this firm relies more on continuous innovations and being at the forefront of technology for sustained dominance – this firm has a global market share of 52%. Another firm Omicron which is the world market leader in tunnel grid microscopes relies on innovation and development. Evidence can be observed thus: it has 40% of the workforce engaged directly or indirectly in research and development. A firm such as Festo, which is the global leader in pneumatics makes actuators, motors, servo drives and industrial robots. The firm uses collaborative robots, also known as ‘cobots’ in its precision manufacturing. To stay ahead of rivals, this firm identifies a pipeline of products and usually has about 100 products ready for patenting. The firms mentioned – Rational, Omicron and Festo were featured in “The hidden champions of the twenty first century”, an edited book. The core message is that manufacturing expertise has deep foundations that have helped build the core, whilst leveraging technology as well as focusing on innovation.

‘Core’ remains a keyword, especially in light of C K Prahalad and Gary Hamel’s seminal article, ‘The Core Competence of the Corporation’ featured in Harvard Business Review, 1990. A powerful message delivered by the authors was the identification of core competencies – for instance, they argued that Canon had developed competence in three areas, viz. fine optics, microelectronics and precision mechanics. Leveraging these, the company was able to make components or products that straddled a wide range of applications. Think of lenses, cameras, and photocopiers; we can visualize the wide range of consumer and industrial applications. Similarly, 3M with its core competence in substrates, coatings and adhesives has managed to retain its dominance in a wide range of consumer and industrial products. Prahalad and Hamel also reiterate that the added thrust of innovation and relentless pursuit of market share was instrumental in the success of these two firms.

Therefore, some compelling takeaways can be noted. These could be applicable to young managers who envisage careers in supply chain and operations. Firstly, digital technologies would continue to be powerful enablers and have their applicability across industries. Manufacturing is one area where their presence would be felt; such technologies would be present, cause greater functionality, yet remain as complements. Secondly, manufacturing would continue to leverage fundamentals and build on them with greater emphasis on continuous innovations. Process innovations are more likely, while product innovations may be lesser. Thirdly, the rise of robotics, robots and ‘cobots’ merely point out that the dependence of manufacturing on automation would remain partial and not full. For aspiring managers, the message is that they would need to develop a broad spectrum of competencies while retaining their interest and passion in an identified niche within manufacturing. 


Prof. John Ben Prince

Associate Professor – Operations


The Executive Education Management Program (EEMP) at WeSchool: Building a Path to General Management Success

Why should you enrol for the Program?

As the business world continues to evolve and face new challenges, it’s becoming increasingly important for managers to have a broad range of skills and competencies that allow them to navigate the complexities of the global and local business environments. That’s why WeSchool has developed EEMP, a comprehensive program that is specifically designed for executives who are on the cusp of transitioning from functional to general management roles.

Program Design

  1. Tailored for Working Professionals

– The program is designed to accommodate the schedules of working executives.

  1. Combination of Theory and Practice

– The course structure focus on blending academic knowledge with practical experience.

  1. Wide Range of Topics Covered

– Listing of the various topics covered in the program, including:

– Managerial Economics

– Business Law

– Corporate Finance

– Cost and Management Accounting

– Supply Chain

– E-Commerce

– Stakeholder Management

– Business Analytics

– Design thinking & Innovation

– Project Design & Project Management

– Managing Disruptive Changes

– Emerging Technologies

– Strategic Decision Making

– Introduction to AI, ML

  1. Industry-Academia Collaboration

– The program leverages the expertise of both industry leaders and academicians.

Teaching Methodology:

The program is delivered by industry leaders and top-notch academicians who focus on application-based teaching. The industry-academia blend is the bedrock of all Management Development Programs at WeSchool, and the Executive Education Management Program is no exception to this.


Experiential Learning:

While capstone projects, case studies, role-plays, mentorship and guidance are world-class, what sets the program at WeSchool apart is the Simulation Game which enables application-based experiential learning.


Key Components

  • Capstone Project
    • Explanation of the final project that ties together all the knowledge and skills learned throughout the program,


  • Simulation Game
    • Overview of the interactive game that allows for hands-on, experiential learning,


  • Case Studies
    • Explanation of how real-world scenarios are used to bring the concepts to life,


  • Role-plays
    • Overview of how participants can practice and apply their skills in simulated scenarios,


  • Mentorship
    • Explanation of the one-on-one support and guidance provided by experienced professionals.



  1. Hands-on, Experiential Learning

– Explanation of how the program allows for direct application and practice of skills.

  1. Networking Opportunities

– Explanation of how the program provides opportunities for participants to connect and collaborate with peers and industry leaders.

  1. Relevant and Practical Knowledge

– Explanation of how the program covers relevant and practical topics that can be immediately applied in the workplace.


  1. Improved Career Prospects

– Overview of the potential impact the program can have on advancing participants’ careers.



Final thoughts and recommendations on why the EEMP program at WeSchool is a valuable investment in career development.


The 11-month Executive Education Management Program (EEMP) at WeSchool is designed to help executives develop the critical skills and competencies needed for success in the rapidly changing business environment. With a focus on hands-on, experiential learning, the program covers a wide range of topics and features a combination of academic knowledge and practical experience.


Taught by industry leaders and top-notch academicians, the program is tailored to accommodate the schedules of working professionals and includes components such as capstone projects, simulation games, case studies, role-plays, and mentorship opportunities.


By leveraging the expertise of both industry and academia, the EEMP program at WeSchool provides participants with the practical knowledge and skills needed to succeed as general managers. With its combination of real-world relevance, hands-on learning, and networking opportunities,

We Impact Stories: Infosys – JMLP ( Junior Management leadership Program)


The Junior Management Leadership Program is designed to assist Junior Managers to move up from Junior Management positions to Mid-Management positions in Infosys BPO. The course focuses on competencies in management and equips learners with skills that are required in Junior Management fields.


Infosys BPO, a 100% subsidiary of Infosys Ltd is one of the largest BPO’s in the country. The current revenues of the company stand at $800 million. Weschool, Bangalore started its Management Development Centre in October 2007. Prof. AKN Prasad joined Weschool as the Head of the Centre with a mandate to build and grow the center’s activities. Prof. Prasad had garnered comprehensive operational knowledge of the challenges faced by BPO’s and their entry-level executives with his experience at Optimus – a Polaris BPO company which he headed before joining WeSchool. Prof. Prasad approached the Infosys BPO with a plan to create an Executive Program to help develop their entry-level executives, the Infosys BPO accepted the proposal and provided a contract for a 16 to 18 month, 400-hour Management Program called JMLP (Junior Management Leadership Program), based on the course structure and design provided by MDC under Prof. Prasad’s guidance. The idea behind the program is to control attrition, provide holistic management education to graduates and build a mid-level leadership pipeline in the organization. The two initial batches were launched in February 2009 at their Bangalore center. The 3rd and 4th batch were launched 6 months later at their Pune center. There have been continuous launches of JMLP programs ever since. JMLP graduates have performed very well in their assigned roles and have also moved up the corporate ladder to assume greater responsibilities. JMLP, designed and delivered by MDC WeSchool is one of the biggest success stories in the corporate executive development program.

Top 10 applications of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence or AI is being utilized in our daily life and has made a huge influence in the field of technology. Artificial Intelligence is intelligence demonstrated by machines or computer systems in a way that humans do, in terms of thinking, reasoning, learning and self-correction. AI systems are designed to intelligently trade stocks or operate an autonomous vehicle, in today’s times. The most prominent types of Artificial Intelligence that have been influencing the rise in technology are Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL). There are numerous sectors where Artificial Intelligence is applied.

Let’s take a look at the top ten applications of AI.

  1. Retail Industry: E-commerce sites are adopting Deep Learning (DL) to help shoppers to easily find what they want to purchase. Online shopping today is a popular and easy mode of shopping for anyone who is able to access to the internet and can operate a smart phone, tablet or a computer. Online shopping websites use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to provide recommendations for the next purchase, depending on previous purchases made by the customer, through algoriothms and search patterns. With the help of AI, online shopping can be made more personal and exclusive. Amazon is planning to use this technology in its new Amazon Go grocery stores.
  2. Entertainment Industry: AI technology is applied to optimize video fluency and definition. Online media streaming or video-on-demand services have a built-in AI feature, where recommendations are given to the customer depending on the type of media that has been streamed before or the type of movies watched earlier.
  3. Automotive Industry: In recent times, Artificial Intelligence is severely being used for automotive industries across the world. The Automotive industry has developed numerous advanced features through the use of AI. Features such as self-parking, blind spot monitoring and voice recognition are aided by the use of AI. Apps like Uber, Ola and commercial flights that use autopilot are the best example of sectors where AI is being effectively implemented.
  4. Healthcare Industry: Artificial Intelligence (AI) helps to analyze data and reports from a patient’s file to help select the customized treatment. IBM Watson was developed as a question-answering computer, which has advance AI capabilities such as natural language processing, automated reasoning and others. IBM Watson’s first commercial application is its use in utilization management decisions for lung cancer treatment at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre.
  5. Manufacturing Industry: Big companies like GE and Siemens are majorly focused on applying Artificial Intelligence to create a comprehensive manufacturing process. The manufacturing industry may be considered as the first use case for the application of AI, using robots for assembly, packing and the likes.
  6. Online Customer Service: AI in the customer service space is currently being used to handle some of the monotonous work and is making it easier for human agents to deal with the more difficult issues. These systems are able to handle more requests without human involvement as they have ability to learn by themselves. Several websites today offer the possibility to chat with customer service representatives. Most of the times these are not human, but chat bots that are trained to respond and extract information based on the customer’s query.
  7. Home Appliances: All smart home appliances which incorporate Internet of Things (IoT) technology make use of AI. The smart home appliances learn the usage pattern of the user over a period of time and then operate themselves through simple commands. One of the examples of AI integrated home appliances is Amazon’s Alexa – the virtual assistant developed by Amazon.
  8. Smart Phones: Virtual personal assistants such as Siri, Google Now, Google Assistant and Cortana are few examples of AI implementation in smart phones. These virtual personal assistants help you dial a number, locate your favorite restaurant, etc.
  9. Banking and Finance: ICICI Bank has been experimenting with AI, through which their email bot sorts out customer and distributor emails, based on the status of transaction. Robots utilizing AI are quicker at data crunching to provide forecast using market data. Applications would include indicating change in stock trends, managing finances and recommendation of which stocks to buy or sell depending on the customer pattern of purchases or sale.
  10. Journalism: News channels and news reporting companies use AI to prepare simple reports on sports and elections which otherwise would be a time consuming exercise. Media houses like the BBC, The New York Times and The Washington Post have been integrating AI into their newsrooms.

In the twenty-first century, AI techniques have experienced a revival following current advances in computer power and AI techniques have become an essential part of the technology industry to help solve numerous challenges and problems in computer science. Artificial Intelligence is also predicted to grow its influence in the coming years in technology. Because of the ever growing rise in the advancement of technology, tech companies all over the world are now hiring people who specialize in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, among many other such subjects. There is a dire requirement to fill in the gap with people who are knowledgeable and experienced in these topics. People are now opting for courses and programs that train them on Artificial Intelligence skills.

One such Business school that provides excellent courses on Artificial Intelligence is WeSchool, Bangalore. WeSchool (Welingkar Institute of Management) is one of the best B-schools in Bangalore, India that carter to a 3-day course in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning for corporates, top level management, mid to senior level management, business owners, leaders, working professionals and entrepreneurs. WeSchool, Bangalore  is a renowned business school that provides the best PGDM and leadership courses in India. To know more about the course details and our campus at Electronic City, Bangalore, please log on to the WeSchool website

How will Artificial Intelligence change the way you lead

In recent times, the buzzword in terms of technology is Artificial Intelligence (AI). It simply means that a machine or software can exhibit intelligence that almost simulates the cognitive functions of the human mind, in terms of problem solving and learning. Artificial Intelligence is already being implemented in different sectors of our day to day life and has impacted the current technology as well. The best examples of AI in our daily life that most people are familiar with, are personal assistants on your smart phones like Google Now, Google Assistant, Siri and Cortana. Apart from these, AI has had a huge influence on things like spam filters on emails, smart categorization of emails, detection of network intruders and preventing the data breach, apps like Uber and Ola, commercial flights that use AI autopilot, among many others.

Artificial Intelligence will also change the way we lead in ways that were unimaginable a few years ago. The image of an artificial life taking over your job can be threatening for some people. However, like everything else, it is a part of evolution in the world of technology. As new technologies and Artificial Intelligence ar implemented in the workplace framework, there are better opportunities to make the workplace more efficient. Productivity levels will automatically increase as time and energy will not be consumed over daily, mundane, sub-standard tasks. Leaders will have to decide which tasks are meant for the AI in the organization, thereby making the employees with more time available for complex jobs that require more productivity, strategy, design and implementation.

Artificial Intelligence, however, is not a replacement for human knowledge and originality of thoughts and ideas. AI is rather a supporting tool for the humans that will help us to work efficiently and productively. Since AI is proficient at processing and analyzing data far more quickly than a human brain can, we can use AI to help understand possible consequences of each action and make the decision-making process smooth. Leaders and executives from any industries need to keep on adjusting and upgrading their skills with the advancement of technology and will need to be open about the notion of incorporating Artificial Intelligence as a part of their corporate lifestyle.

The advancement of technology and the realization of the significance of AI has made organizations implement it in their hiring process as well. Organizations all over the world are now hiring their employees who specialize in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, among many other such subjects. Tech companies are investing in AI financially in terms of educating and training their employees to become specialists in these subjects. As there is a dire requirement to fill the gap with people who are experts in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning, people are now choosing courses and programs that can train them for learning this technology.

If you’re looking for a renowned business school that provides top-notch courses on Artificial Intelligence and other Leadership & Management Development Programs, one such business school is WeSchool, Bangalore. Popularly known as WeSchool, Bangalore – Prin. L.N. Welingkar Institute of Management Development & Research is one of the best business schools in Bangalore, India that caters to 3-day course in Artificial Intelligence to working professionals, leaders, corporates, entrepreneurs and business owners. WeSchool, Bangalore delivers the best PGDM, corporate leadership programs and Data Analytics courses in India.  They also provide Design Thinking & Innovation Program, Corporate Training Programs, full time and part time MBA for working professionals in Bangalore.  With WeSchool, Bangalore, the best b-school in Bangalore, India, you’ll get an opportunity to learn about Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep learning and much more.

To know more about the course details and our Bangalore campus at Electronic City, please log on to the WeSchool website

Top 4 reasons why HR Analytics is a good career choice

HR Analytics is rapidly changing the way HR policies work in any organization. If you’re wondering why that’s important, analytics helps an HR professional to make better decisions using data, test the effectiveness of business cases created for HR interventions, become tactical and be a strategic partner. HR Analytics has become crucial over the last few years, which is why more companies are looking for skilled HR professionals who can take up responsibilities within an organization, make better and efficient decisions for the betterment of the company, report data to predict actions and suggest logical solutions to problems. There is a high demand of HR Analysts in the industry who can utilize the skills of a data scientist without losing the human touch. The profession is in a growing need of people who have the enthusiasm and knowledge in this field.  Since there is a huge demand of HR Analytics experts that can help the organizations with their knowledge, people are now opting for courses and programs that help them to be the best in this domain.Here are top 4 reasons why you should think about switching your career to an HR Analyst:

  1. You get to make improved hiring decisions

If you are thinking about taking up Human Resource as a career or if you’re already in the field as an HR professional, having knowledge about HR Analysis can take you to new heights. HR Analysts analyze the existing compiled data that the organization possesses, which makes them aware of the skills required from an employee for the specific role. With the help of analytics, HR Analysts learn more about the candidates and their background, thereby assisting them to select better candidates.

  1. You get to help employees to increase their performance

HR Analytics helps to improve the employee training programs with the use of data collected from the organization, thereby determining suitable training programs that can develop employee skills. Surveys can be conducted that help HR Analysts to gain information about the reasons why an employee leaves a company. After analyzing the information, HR Analysts use it to increase employee retention and boost the employee’s morale.

  1. You get to help the organization to grow

Training programs are essential for the development of the employees, which results in making a positive impact on the organization. However, some poor decisions and sub-standard processes of training can lead to unsuccessful outcomes and can increase the budget, thereby costing the company gravely. HR Analysts are an asset to the HR team who can make better use of the data and analytics, thereby increasing the employee’s performance and taking the company to new heights.

  1. You get an influential & secure position

The position of HR Analysts in an organization is not only a sound position but is also very influential. They have in-depth knowledge about the challenges faced by the companies and have a deep understanding about the requirements of the organization. HR Analysts make high level decisions that are strategically focused with the use of data and analytics, giving significant impact to the organization.

HR Analytics makes the best of data science without losing focus on the human values. As the industry is booming right now, it is the best time to consider HR Analytics as a career. If you’re looking for a renowned business school that provides top-notch courses on HR Analytics and other Leadership & Management Development Programs, one such business school is WeSchool, Bangalore. Popularly known as WeSchool, Prin. L.N. Welingkar Institute of Management Development & Research is one of the best business schools in Bangalore, India that caters to a 2 day Management Development Program on HR Analytics, which trains mid, senior and top level corporate HR professionals on how to analyze and draw insights from HR related data. Non-HR professionals can also benefit from the program as it would help them to understand and appreciate the impact of HR decisions in terms of overall business. WeSchool, Bangalore delivers the best PGDM, corporate leadership programs and Data Analytics courses in India.  They also provide Design Thinking & Innovation Program, Corporate Training Programs and part time MBA for working professionals in Bangalore.  To know more about the HR Analytics course details, please log on to the WeSchool website

How a Business Analyst can add value to your organization

Business Analytics (BA) is the statistical study of business data. With the advancement in technology, computer science and internet, Business Analytics has become crucial for any organization. It is not a new concept and has been used ever since the late 19th century, yet we see many small organizations functioning without Business Analysts as a part of their team. However, when a company starts to expand and grow, the company requires Business Analysts who can help the organization to make feasible changes, improve and achieve the company’s goals. The role of a Business Analysts is to make substantial use of statistical analysis, which includes fact-based management, predictive and explanatory modeling that will help to drive decision making. A Business Analyst should be able to understand business performance that is based on data and statistics. A Business Analyst is responsible for introducing, managing and promoting the necessary changes to your business model that will help implement cost-efficient solutions.

With the use of analytics, a Business Analyst can guarantee for successful projects that will benefit the organization. Having a Business Analyst in your team will help the Project Manager make sound decisions, ensuring to keep the project on the right track without the chance of failure. A Business Analyst, with the help of data analysis will be able to recognize which projects are better for the organization in terms of meeting the criteria and objectives of the organization and have least chances of being unsuccessful.

Another primary function of a Business Analyst is that they help to reduce the company’s costs by lowering the costs of the future projects. They can ensure that the company doesn’t misspend any unwanted finance on projects that can be done within a reasonable budget. With the help of Business Analytics, the company will have least number of project reworks, thereby saving the company from making financial losses. This will also save the company from wasting time and energy, which will assist the company to focus on projects that have more significance and can deliver better outcome.

Business Analysts are the people who are the prime link between the project teams and the stakeholders. They provide and communicate information between the two parties, which will make the work go smoothly without any miscommunications and delays. A Business Analyst will also ensure that complete and apt business requirements are fulfilled by the analysis of data during the initial phase of the project, which will help decide what steps are suitable and can be implemented appropriately throughout the entire process of the project. This will again ensure fewer chances of reworks and unnecessary spending on projects can be dodged.

One of the key components of a Business Analyst’s job is to ensure that Return On Investment (ROI) of the organization is met. ROI is the ratio between actual worth of the investment made by the organization and the profit that is gained from the money that is invested. With the help of data analysis, a Business Analyst will work on increasing the benefit that can be resulted by the investment and at the same time will work on decreasing the cost to implement it. A Business Analyst will find better ways to implement cost-efficient solutions by making necessary changes according to the company’s needs. This will ultimately increase the ROI of the organization.

The technology is improvising each day and organizations are opting to hire employees who specialize in the area of Business Analytics among others. Because of this, people are now looking for courses and programs that can train them in these skills. If you’re looking for a renowned business school that provides excellent courses on Business Analytics and other Leadership & Management Development Programs, one such business school is WeSchool, Bangalore. Prin. L.N. Welingkar Institute of Management Development & Research, popularly known as WeSchool, Bangalore is one of the best business schools in India that caters to 10 months (long term) and 3 days (short term) course in Business Analytics, which trains business executives, managers, corporate leaders, research scholars and entrepreneurs on how to use analytical tools & techniques in various business scenarios. WeSchool, Bangalore delivers the best PGDM, leadership courses and data analytics courses in India. They also provide Design Thinking & Innovation Program, Corporate Training Programs and part time MBA for working professionals in Bangalore. To know more about the Business Analytics course details, please log on to the WeSchool website

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